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Blue Smoke



Working for a Better Malibu

Paul Grisanti is running for Malibu City Council in November's election. He is passionate about preserving homeowners’ property rights and the Malibu lifestyle while aiming to upgrade our aging infrastructure. You may have seen his editorials in The Malibu Times, which can be viewed here. As a council member, Paul will continue his efforts in a greater capacity. Thank you for visiting and please remember to vote this November.

Blue Smoke


Jeffrey & Kris Jennings

Joan & Ken House

Karen & Cameron Farrer

Ken & Barbara Kearsley

John Sibert

Lou La Monte

Sharon Barovsky

Laura Rosenthal

Jim Thorsen

Phil & Jane Bellomy

Burt & Joan Ross

Jonathan & Genera Banks

Terry Adamson

David & Anna Anawalt

Karen Aylsworth

Marca Helfrich

John & Anne Payne

Ed Niles

Marty  & Victoria Cooper

Dermot Stoker

Bonny Lockrem

Steven Ravaglioli

Gary Hoffman

Jo Giese

Fireball & Kathy Lawrence

Lloyd Ahern

Lee Clarke McCarthy

Martha Fling

Marlene Matlow

Helene Eisenberg

Peter Tompkins

Iona Blackwell

Norm Nelson

Bart Baker

Ron Jenny

Duane & Jan King

Richard Scott

Ian Roven

Bill Kling

Terry Lucoff

Greg Cline & Diane Everett

Howard Ferguson

Candace Bowen

Bill & Amanda Moss

Bill & Linda Feldhorn

Susan Dale

Doug Burdge

Sheldon Lodmer

Margo Neal

Philip & Channing Frykman

Kim Collen Ross

Irene Dazzan Palmer

Jeff Chertow

Bob Rubinstein

Chris Cortazzo

Dick & Bonnie Coleman

Lee Bowling

Merril May

Harriet Pollon

Robert Newlon

James Edwards

Don & Caroline Maclay

Jonathan Kaye

Lynn & Gerald Griess

Steve & Azita Goldman

Leo & Marian Orr

Mark & Paula Hammerschmitt

Ralph Cimmarusti

Carol Bird

James Ratcliff

Mia & TC Schultz

John Ortiz

Eric Jacobson

Howard Rudzki

Daniel & Nancy Bishop

Larry & Lori Gray

Dennis Smith

Gregg Ruth

Jill Reeder

Mark & Mary Maxson

Nidra Winger

James & Cindy Ludwig

Doug Carroll

Wyatt Parker

Kent Winter

Neda Viljovic Winter

Lee LaPlante

Lee Bowling

Ralph Herzig

Jay Robertson

Steve & Joan Panagos

Katie O’Malley

Miles Helfrich

Bernard Wolfsdorf

Scott Wagenseller

Jack Skene

Rick Wallace

Natalie Soloway

Babette & Roy Seaman

Paul & Bobbi Woodman

Charmaine Mark

Mike & Lisa McKean

Peter & Debbie Sinding

Phil Bailey

Morgan & Hunter Schiermeyer

Paul Zimmerman

Kioren Moss

Susan Dale

Ashley Hayward

Michael Goldberg

David & Elizabeth Kalifon

Bill & Elizabeth Kelly

Melanie Gouswaard

Pamela Le Grande

Kim Devane

Larry Abbot

Michael Bailey

Daniel & Denise O’Conner

Joshua Spiegel

Joe Devincezo

Jerry & Lea Anderson

Alan & Diane Armstrong

Gilbert & Elle Somerfield

Anthony & Lisa Shafer

Peter & Karen Snyder

David & Nancy Von Oeyen

Andrew Von Oeyen

David & Elizabeth Kalifon

Michael Strange

Paul Spegal

Sandy Bell

John Littlechild

Sparky Green

David Frankle

Alan Mark

Michael Novotny

Roger Wolk

Marble Surface

"...congrats on running for Council. You would be a great addition. It would be good to have your sane approach to government."

Jim Thorsen

(Former Malibu City Manager)

Blue Smoke


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Marble Surface
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Whether you would like to volunteer your time or make a monetary contribution, every little bit that you dedicate helps tremendously.


To volunteer, please call (310) 505-5006 or contact the campaign by clicking here.


For monetary contributions via credit card or debit,

please fill out this form.

Please note, you will receive two receipts for one transaction; one from Donorbox (collects questionnaire information) and one from Paypal.


To send a check, please mail to: 


Paul Grisanti for MCC 2020

23823 Malibu Road, Suite 50-481

Malibu, CA 90265


Whatever you are able to give is greatly appreciated!



Per the Malibu Municipal Code 2.20.030:


  • We cannot accept more than $250 per individual or $500 per couple.

  • No anonymous donations can be accepted.

  • All donors must include their name, address, occupation, and employer.



Paid for by Paul Grisanti for Malibu City Council 2020

FPPC #1427830


23823 Malibu Road, Suite 50-481

Malibu, CA 90265

(310) 505-5006



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