Whether you would like to volunteer your time or make a monetary contribution, every little bit that you dedicate helps tremendously.
To volunteer, please call (310) 505-5006 or contact the campaign online using this form.
For monetary contributions via credit card or debit, please fill out the Donorbox form on the home page.
Please note, you will receive two receipts for one transaction; one from Donorbox (collects questionnaire information) and one from Paypal.
To send a check, please mail to:
Paul Grisanti for MCC 2020
23823 Malibu Road, Suite 50-481
Malibu, CA 90265
Whatever you are able to give is greatly appreciated!
Per the Malibu Municipal Code 2.20.030:
We cannot accept more than $250 per individual or $500 per couple.
No anonymous donations can be accepted.
All donors must include their name, address, occupation, and employer.