LA Co. Chief Osby succeeded on January 26thin convincing several in the audience that he is surrounded by yes men who constantly tell him everything went smoothly and all the resources under his command were constantly and diligently pursuing all opportunities to assist and protect the public. Others felt he should be nominated for an Academy Award for his portrayal of surprise when members of the audience let him know about the numerous stories of resources “waiting for orders”.
He also expressed support for Private Sector Strike teams ie. Insurance Co. Firemen. Too bad the Sheriffs and Highway Patrol manning the roadblocks didn’t know that and were taking orders from Cal Fire.
Chief Osby gave no hope to those who may need a variance from access or Fire Flow requirements to get approval for a rebuild permit saying “they will work on a case by case basis” on these applications.
I remain convinced that the areas impacted by the Woolsey Fire will be best served by the District 29 Water District committing to go forward with the larger water tanks and/or larger pipes contemplated in the March 2016 draft EIR for the first phase of the 25 year plan to modernize the local water system.
If your affected home is in the neighborhood at the foot of Encinal Canyon, Malibu Park, Bonsall Cyn. or Escondido Cyn. the deficiencies would be repaired by this $110 Million plan which also includes extensive work in Topanga and East Malibu. This plan, which was shelved in June of 2017, would bring those area’s into compliance with the Water supply and flow requirements.
Please join me at the next City Council Meeting on Monday, February 11, 2018 at 6:30 to ask the Mayor and City Council to sign a letter to Supervisor Sheila Kuehl requesting that she in her role as Chair of the District 29 Water District reactivate this 2016 Plan. If they complete the Environmental Impact Report hearings, the plan can be adopted, and the work begun. In June of 2017 District 29 had accumulated over $25 Million from your water bills. That number should have grown to $35 Million by now. Chief Osby is a lot more likely to flex on the Access requirements if he knows the water will be there when they hook up to the hydrants.
If you know any of the City Council, please talk about the idea between now and the meeting. Please feel free to contact me directly at 310-505-5006 if you have any ideas that might help.