As I write this, Malibu has just finalized the first of many Final Inspection approvals for the rebuild of a Woolsey Fire home. A Malibu West home built by Larry Gray Construction crossed the finish line last week to general hurrahs from the City and the neighbors. Another home in the neighborhood is close behind… 0nly 18 more to go in Malibu West!
Malibu has received 210 applications to rebuild out of the 467 total loss properties (45%) in the City. Forty-nine building permits have been issued and another 160 applications have been approved by planning and have either submitted or are preparing to submit for plan check.
If you are one of the 55% who have not yet applied to rebuild, how can we assist you in getting your application to the Planning counter at the city?
The city has done their part by increasing staffing, absorbing the permit fees for owner occupied homes, (the current authorization lasts until June 30, 2020), Changing the rules and amending the Coastal Plan to streamline the process. We have made a huge shift from a “process” oriented focus to an emphasis on results under the leadership of the City Council, City Manager, and most recently ESD/Building Official Yolanda Bundy. If you can identify any municipal roadblocks, there are many who would like to help you eliminate them.
By the time you read this the City Council will have met to discuss a letter from the law office of Milton C. Grimes demanding that we abandon “At Large Representation”. “At Large” voting allows all registered voters to vote for any City Council candidate regardless of where they live within the city. Attorney Grimes is demanding that we switch to voting on a “By District” representation basis. You will only be allowed to vote for a candidate, who lives within your district, to represent your “District” or collection of neighborhoods. You will only be able to cast one vote every 4 years and will have no say in who represents voters in another district.
The California Voting Rights Act of 2002, protecting the rights of minority groups, is apparently a blank check for Mr. Grimes and his associates who are threatening cities all over the state. The Cities who immediately capitulate pay Grimes up to $30,000 for taking the trouble to advise them of the law. Those who resist have all ended up settling later for a lot more money. Santa Monica lost and the attorneys have filed claim for $21.4 million dollars. Palmdale recently paid $4.7 million. Mr. Grimes has theorized that our city which was 6.1% Hispanic in the 2010 census, a proportion that has “almost certainly increased” creating a protected class. He further states that lack of a Latino city council member is proof of Vote dilution. He has not identified a plaintiff.
If we capitulate, we will need to hire a demographic consultant to hold public hearings and then design district boundaries to design district boundaries that would improve the influence of the “protected groups.”
If you want to see what happened for yourself, I urge you to visit the Agenda Center on the city’s website for the January 13thCouncil meeting and click on the little TV icon to watch the recording. You’ll be able to skip ahead to Item 6.A.